Moore County Courthouse Expansion Traffic Impact Analysis

The County of Moore was required to expand the existing courthouse facility located in the Town of Carthage. As part of this expansion, three scenarios were considered to analyze alternative traffic patterns, including a partial road closure and a full road closure. ​


Utilizing drone footage, existing traffic count data was collected in the heart of the Town of Carthage. Exult Engineering analyzed existing travel patterns and future proposed travel patterns with the expansion of the courthouse facility to determine if any improvements were necessary to mitigate the impact of the proposed site. Parking opportunities and pedestrian activity were included in the future year analysis as they are key factors when analyzing a downtown roadway network. Because the routes through the center of Town currently accommodate truck traffic, the proposed future travel patterns were evaluated to ensure truck turn radii standards were met. Exult Engineering participated in board and public hearings to address resident concerns and explain the impacts of the expansion on the current roadway infrastructure.

Public involvement meeting for Moore County traffic engineering work